Wednesday, October 19, 2005

I'm baaack!

I haven't been gone that long, have I? Hmmmm . . . only 2-1/2 months. Okay, okay, I've been a slug, all right? I've also been busy. Since I last posted, I had a houseguest from Australia for 8 days, then I had two houseguests from New Orleans for four weeks, plus I spent 10 days in Alabama, moving my father from a house to an apartment. Of course, the house was much bigger than the apartment, and he'd lived there a mere 30 years. Where does all that stuff come from??? I did find some of my junior high and high school year books while I was cleaning out his house, which is both cool and scary (I was neither pretty or photogenic at those ages). Then there's this pesky day job (where they seem to expect me to work!), and my current WIP, The Edge of Darkness, which is totally different from anything I've ever written and quite the challenge. Not that I'm complaining, mind you .

Life does seem to be settling back down, although we're traveling to the Atlanta area in a few weeks to see my in-laws (or "The Outlaws" as I affectionately refer to them). Then there's Thanksgiving and the December holidays. And a book deadline--yikes!

But I'll try to post here occasionally. I might even update my webpage and offer a new contest (notice I said "might").

Anyway, it's good to be back.

1 comment:

Jana Armstrong said...

Glad you're back, and sort of in one piece!!

Can't wait for the new release!